
Course Details


Fashion design has transformed over time and is no longer perceived as an alternate career choice – it has emerged as a mainstream academic pursuit in numerous countries worldwide. The fashion sector is extensive, captivating, and glamorous. Whether you relish the exhilarating thrills of runway presentations or prefer working behind the scenes to shape purchasing decisions for stores and consumers, this course offers diverse avenues. Upon completion of this program, you can opt to establish your own clothing line, retail store, or boutique, or collaborate with a garment manufacturer.

Another specialization option is costume design for performing arts, motion pictures, and television productions. Some designers opt to work on a freelance basis for various fashion houses and brands. Fashion journalism is also a viable path available to you. Fashion buying and fashion merchandising hold pivotal roles within the retail industry, with potential employers encompassing department stores, retail chains, online retailers, as well as smaller independent shops and boutiques. Hence, if you possess a keen ability to predict the latest trends and possess a discerning eye for marketability, a career in fashion design and merchandising might be an ideal fit for you.